Sunday, December 31, 2006

Sun Room

I know, I know - if you are going to have a blog, you have and obligation to put something in it.
We have a new sun room that is unfurnished but has possibilities. Mostly it as been a reading room so far. It has a really neat view of the new trail. It also has a storage room below.

Here is a couple of pictures of our new room.....
We'd love to have visitors - although we're not quite as exciting as Ireland, Germany, California, or Arizona.

Thanks to Russ for writing this post.... otherwise, you might have waited even 4 more months for a post. I'll try and do better in 2007 ( no promises, though).
Feel free to offer decorating suggestions for our new room.


At 9:07 PM, Blogger Lise M. said...

Wow, Anne, the new room (and storage) look GREAT! It's so much fun, though maybe a bit daunting, to start with a "blank canvas. I really like the windows...I hope to get over your way in February - then maybe I can offer some decorating advice...Enjoy the new space - it fills up so fast!

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